Posts Tagged ‘social media’


My Facebook Rules

In Lessons,Life,Marketing,Media,Social Media,Technology on February 11, 2013 by kiltforhire Tagged: , , ,

Following on from My Twitter Rules here are my Facebook rules. Now where Twitter is about conversations with anyone about everything Facebook is slightly different. It’s where people from your past and your present all get together and update their lives, interact and chat but in a more reserved way.

I have a love and hate relationship with Facebook. I enjoy seeing what my friends are up to and it’s nice to get snapshots of home and lives that I’m no longer fully part of but on the other hand there are a lot of people who use it as if it was their personal diary and that just isn’t for me.

The rules aren’t for everyone and I totally get that every person uses their Facebook differently but these are my rules that I generally stick to when using it.

1. Spam. I hate it. You hate it. We all hate it. You remember those days when you would get chain letters sent by email? We all thought we had got rid of them but we forgot one single thing – some people are dumb and are now using Facebook and failing to do basic checks before diving in and commenting on dumb images and stories which are usually a total piece of shit and full of lies. I never comment on them unless it’s to point them to Snopes however I have since realised that by even getting involved other people who follow me may now see it and, well, stuff that. So now I ignore.

2. I try and post between three to five times a week. On the odd occasion I post maybe once or twice in a day and on a rare occasion three time. I don’t believe you should fill up other people’s feeds with constant up to the minute running feeds of your life. I ain’t that important and neither are you so let’s not annoy too many people.

3. When it comes to pics of my friends I have a really simply rule. I never ever tag a friend in a picture if I think it is unflattering. If you tag it it appears on their wall and if ain’t a good pic then I don’t want to make them look bad. They are my friends and they always look good to me so I don’t see why other shouldn’t see them in any other light than when they are at their most awesome.

4. If you want to play games on Facebook that’s just great but I don’t. And therefore you will never get a game invite from me and I’d really appreciate if you didn’t ever send me a damned invite for a game. Please don’t. I’m sick of them. I’m a gamer and I have an Xbox and a Wii U and a PC and an iPad all for gaming but Facebook is not a gaming platform for me and I simply don’t give a rat’s arse about any of them.

5. Hashtags in Facebook. Leave them over on Twitter please. Thanks. Appreciate it.

6. I do believe that Facebook is a place for long updates as opposed to Twitter 140 characters. I have no problem with that. Write away. I usually do. Sometimes people even have to click the little blue button to read all of my update.

7. Baby pics. I am delighted when my friends have babies. It’s wonderful. Especially my friends Alan and Lesley who have gorgeous triplets but you don’t need to share 8000 pictures each and every day. Next time you want to take a spree of pics and post them why not pick up your kid and give them a hug. I have to admit I’m really lucky that the majority of my friends with kids at the moment do a great job of limiting the pics but I have seen overkill in the past.

8. It’s called Facebook not Facesbook. Leave your profile pic as just you and don’t have you AND your other half. C’mon we don’t need to be reminded how much you both love each other every single day. And if you really have to use a pic like that please don’t make it one where you are expressing your tonguitude into them.

9. I never upload funny pics and tag my friends. Personally I think it’s rude to do that. There really is no need for it.

10. Ultimately I try to be considerate. I don’t really post anything inflammatory. I don’t flood people’s timeline with funny images. I don’t pester people and I do like things that I genuinely like. I don’t click on something for no reason.

11. Comment. Getting involved in your friend’s lives is important. If someone has put up a good status update that I’ve enjoyed then I’m not afraid to get involved in a chat or discussion about whatever the post is about.

12. I try and be funny when I post. If I can make one of my friend’s smile then it’s all worth while.

13. I’m happy to unfriend someone if they are being horribly racist, sexist, vile or downright intolerable. I’m also happy to add new people who I’ve met online who I believe will add a little bit of colour to my life.

Looking at this list some are rules and some are things I avoid doing but I think you kinda get the gist of where I’m coming from. Similar to My Twitter Rules I believe that you should always hover before posting to think about what you are saying and if you are happy with it slamming into 200+ people’s feeds.


Chapter IV: A New Hope

In Life on March 4, 2011 by kiltforhire Tagged: , , , ,

I sit at an impasse.

I feel redundant. I am redundant.

Those words sit heavily on my shoulders. I feel like Atlas. The world around me darkens and my hand shakes ever so slightly as I sign the document that cements the words.

A business decision. Decision made. And like that I’m gone.

But the impasse continues…

I tweet. I blog. I’m the social worker. Not a social worker but the social worker.

The next generation of worker.

My job, my life, everything feels connected to one another. But how do I write about something like this without causing ripples. One affects the other.

I guess today is Day One of something new. New adventure. New beginning…and the hunt for a new job.

It’s funny. On my Twitter account @scottrhodie I have had the term ‘kilt for hire’ as part of my bio for as long as I can remember. I think I had it on my bio from the day I started using Twitter – and earlier this week I use it to create this blog.

Now here I am an actual kilt for hire. Only not literally. Well not unless you dry-clean it after use and look after it and don’t mess up my sporran.

Sorry if this feels like a ramble but my mind is all over the place at the moment. When you are not expecting something like that it kinda smacks you between the eyes and leaves you bewildered.

Hmm, maybe I should do a list?
1) Change information on Linked In

2) Calls out to some contacts

3) Hit the job sites

4) Breakfast

5) Work on some things for the next Digital Citizens event –

6) Twiddle thumbs

7) Update CV

8) Work on side-project business plan

9) Raid fridge and eat something bad for me

10) Slide across tiled floors in socks

11) Shower

12) Make my hair into a mohawk and sing “Danke Shoen”

13) Begin the process of cover letters

14) Play with Pedro, my three-legged cat

15) Crank up some Rolling Stones

16) Lunch. Maybe Surry Hills.

17) Book out two hours to go over that old TV script that me and my mate wrote. It’s damn fucked funny.

18) More job hunting

19) Clean apartment

20) Hit the pub, do SHTBOX (Surry Hills Twitter Beer O’Clock Exchange) for those who haven’t heard of it.

21) Drink

22) Drink

23) Drink

24) Water (very important!)

25) Kebab

26) Two panadol, pint of water and a chocolate bar (prevents hangovers)

27) Sleep

28) Wake up in the middle of the night to stop Pedro scratching under the bed

29) Actually wake up

30) Drink some Irn Bru – the greatest soft drink on the planet