Archive for the ‘Food’ Category


Nom Nom Nom with a side salad

In Food,Life on January 2, 2013 by kiltforhire Tagged: , , , , ,

In 2012 I decided to get fit. I hit the gym, I drank protein shakes and I stayed away from fast food as best as I could and I cut my alcohol intake down but towards the end of November I re-tore my rotator cuff in my shoulder with a nasty 6mm tear.

I also discovered I have calcific tendinitis in my shoulder. I’ll need to get some cortisone injections soon and if they don’t destroy the calcium build ups then I may need some shoulder surgery to get rid of them.

My asthma has been slowly getting worse over the years although my lack of fitness was probably to blame for part of that.

So I decided not make any resolutions this year and simply get on with treating my body the same way I treat most of the material possessions I own.

Over the past few days I’ve watched some interesting documentaries including Food Matters followed by Hungry for Change and lastly with an Aussie documentary called Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead.

Each of them has opened my eyes a little bit more each time to how badly I’ve been treating my body – alcohol doesn’t count cause that shit is awesome – but mostly with kebabs, processed foods, Maccas, the dirty bird and more.

So, the time has come for me to try something new and I’ll be publishing a lot more this year with this blog to kinda keep a record of how it all goes.

I’m gonna juice shit.

I’m gonna eat a bucket load of vegetables and fruit and cut soft drinks and fast good out of my diet (unless I’m slightly tipsy after a night out). I’ll also be cutting out some booze but not all but I’m gonna try and create a life with balance rather than looking at the scales tipped over on one side.

It should be fun but with 40 a couple of years away I figure it’s about time I actually did something about my body rather than pumping my lungs full of steroids to fight my asthma and rather than eating crap most of the time.

I fully intend to stop using my inhalers as much, get back to the gym when my shoulder heals and get fit for fitba (soccer) season.

So, feel free to give me any advice you have or encourage me or simply tell me to stop writing abut this stuff and go back to ranting about shit 🙂


The burger plea of special tastebuds

In Food,Lessons,Life on June 14, 2011 by kiltforhire Tagged: , , , ,

While noticing parts of Masterchef last night – it was on the TV – I noticed the burger that Heston Blumenthal put together had no beetroot on it. Nor aioli.

I tweeted that Australians should realise this is how a burger should be. It shouldn’t have beetroot. My twitter feed was a flurry of pro and anti beetroot fans. It all went a bit mental. I seemed to have touched a part of the Australian psyche that many were attacking me and my attack on the beetroot. Even an MP got in on the act telling me that every good Aussie burger should have beetroot on it. Thankfully there were some beautiful people out there who came to my defence and said NO to Beetroot!

I guess I should have said before I posted that being a supertaster means I taste more than other others and beetroot’s on a burger bascially means it becomes totally overpowered by only one taste – that of the purple coloured monstrosity.

I enjoy a good burger. All of my friends will testify to that but I cannot stand a few things when I eat out.

1. Aioli. Listen you gourmet chefs out there beefburgers do not and should not ever have fucking have aioli on them. I’m sick of going into a restaurant or a pub and ordering a beefburger and it turning up with fucking aioli on it. Which brings me to point 2.

2. Menus where the chef has failed to list all the ingredients bar one and that one is usually aioli. So you get the burger and you have told them you don’t want beetroot or pickles and suddenly this burger appears slapped with tomato sauce on top and aioli on the bottom. WTF?!?

3. Beetroot. Keep it off the burger please.

4. Pickles. Not a fan but hey if it pleases most people fine I’ll just flip those suckers on to the side of the plate – please note you cannot do this with beetroot as the moment it gets slopped onto a burger it starts to spread like Eboli.

5. Chefs stop putting the parmigiana ON TOP OF THE CHIPS. Seriously. How the fuck am I supposed to cut the thing? If anything put the chips on top so I can eat them first THEN hit the Parma.

6. Pepper. Leave it out unless I request it or at least you ask me if I want it. Too many times have I been given pepper on a burger or whetever only for me to not eat the food. Not everyone like it so please have a care for us tongue disabled.

7. If you decide you want to spice up the food. Please put it on the menu. Too many times have I stumbled upon food with hidden chillis in it only to find that I cannot eat for hours afterwards.

8. Cripsy bacon should be crispy and not simply a wee bit hard at one end.

9. Thick bread is not good for French Toast. You should always use thin sliced bread. Thicker bread ends up being sopping and gooey.

10. Seriously drop the beetroot from the burger but get the bacon and egg in and the onion rings and ketchup or bbq sauce but never aioli or mayonnaise.

I should also point out that after making the comment about that Aussie burgers shouldn’t have beetroot I had a few people tell me that if I don’t like it then I should leave. This is a post I shall leave for another day but it’s a very interesting one about the amount of people in Australia that have said that to me when I complain about a tiny aspect of the country or culture.

Anyway, what’s on your perfect burger?